Plant Plant Wall

Plant Plant 用心開創可持續生長的綠牆變成綠牆界的標準,令任何發展商或市民也可享受一幅「真綠牆」。

Plant Plant Wall 是一家專業提供垂直綠化牆設計 Design、供應 Supply、安裝Install 和保養 Maintain 的全面服務承建商。立足香港,業務涵蓋中國、東南亞及杜拜。由2018年至今, 已種植接近 200 萬盆植物,大概覆蓋香港 50000 平方米,相等於大約 2700 株成年杉樹的碳排淨化。

  • GSK Office

    GSK (HK) Office

    Date of Operation: 19/06/2024

    Total Plants: 490 pcs

  • GSK (HK) Office

    Date of Operation: 19/06/2024

    Total Plant: 270 pcs


    Date of Operation: 13/06/2023

    Total Plants: 45,000 pcs

  • Metropolis Tower

    Date of Operation: 28/06/2022

    Total Plants: 4730 pcs

  • The Morgan 敦皓

    Date of Operation: 1/6/2022

    Total Plants: 18556 pcs

  • The Quayside 海濱匯

    Date of Operation: 17/12/2021

    Total Plants: 34000 pcs

  • Harbour City OC Gallery 海港城美術館

    Date of Operation: 1/12/2021

    Total Plants: 5708 pcs

  • Foyer

    Date of Operation: 28/11/2021

    Total Plants: 11760 pcs

  • The Murray Building 美利大廈酒店

    Date of Operation: 20/2/2021

    Total Plants: 12700 pcs

  • One Harbour Square

    Date of Operation:1/12/2020

    Total Plants: 7664 pcs

  • K11 Musea

    Date of Operation: 6/10/2020

    Total Plants: 240000pcs

  • Koho Lobby

    Date of Operation: 6/10/2020

    Total Plants: 544 pcs